Introduction Protection

Humanitarian Principal: - মানবিক নীতিমালা
1. Humanity - মানবিক
2. Impartiality - ন্যায্যতা ( Relevant with Equality )
3. Neutrality - নিরপেক্ষতা
4. Independence - স্বাধীনতা

Principal of Protection: - সুরক্ষার নীতিমালা
1. Do not Harm – ক্ষতি নয়
2. Non-discrimination – বৈষম্যহীনতা
3. Respect & Dignity – সম্মান ও মযর্াদা
4. Accountability - জবাবদিহিতা
5. Participation - অংশগ্রহন
6. Confidentiality – গোপনীয়তা

Child Protection Principal:- 
1. Non-discrimination –
2. Best Interest of the child –
3. Survival & Development - 
4. Participation -
5. Accountability –

Protection monitoring :-
Protection monitoring during internal displacement involves collecting, verifying, and analyzing information in order to identify human rights violations and protection risks encountered by IDPs ( Internal displaced population)  and other affected populations.

Internal displaced population (IDP):-
An internally displaced person (IDP) is someone who is forced to flee his or her home but who remains within his or her country's borders. They are often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the legal definitions of a refugee.

Protection mainstreaming :-
Protection mainstreaming is a practical, efficient and effective means to maximise the protective impact of aid programming.

Through incorporating protection principles into aid design and delivery, humanitarian actors can: -

  • Promote the human rights of affected populations
  • Enhance affected populations’ safety and dignity
  • Reduce the risks of discrimination, abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation
Case Study :-
A process or record of research into the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.

Referral :- 
An act of referring someone or something for consultation, review, or further action.

Referral Pathway :-

Case Management Steps :-
  1. Introduction and identification
  2. Observation
  3. Need assessment
  4. Action plan
  5. Follow-up 
Definition of ‘risk management’ :-
‘Risk means the potential for something to go wrong. Risk management means identifying the potential for an accident or incident to occur and taking steps to reduce the possibility of it occurring.

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